Almost all of us have suffered at least once in a lifetime of back pain. In the happiest case it is just dense. For others, the pain will turn into a real back-to-back block that makes it impossible even for the simplest of actions, such as getting out of bed, turning upside down, busting, or making small efforts of daily activities.
In acute cases, back pain can be caused by pathological disorders of the skeletal source, especially in the area of the vertebrae. In this case, it is advisable to perform checks, as there may be some pathological situations, seriously as a vertebral disc herniation or osteoarthritis. But in most cases, back pain is caused by problems that are less invasive.
Optimal remedy for joint pain
The back is an area of our body is very delicate, and different anatomical parts can be affected by excessive twisting, incorrect movements or poor posture. In these cases we can say that the back pain is derived from a „mechanical problem”, as the muscles or tendons (most likely vertebrae) of the spine will be inflamed, creating pain in the lumbar area.
Even if it is rare, back pain can be the result of chronic bowel problems, such as colitis, constipation or inflammation of the intestinal walls. In other cases, back pain can be linked to kidney problems. In this case, it is advisable to submit site visits to check the situation of our bodies.
A very effective natural remedy for back pain is a compress of hot water and ginger. Put in a liter of boiling water, a fresh ginger root, peeled and cut into pieces. Let it boil for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. At this time soak a towel in ginger water, squeeze well and apply to the inflamed spot until the towel becomes warm. Hot water will relieve contractions that cause back pain and ginger due to anti-inflammatory virtues will take inflammation and stop the pain.
The best natural anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic drugs
Turmeric is a root with anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. This condiment can relieve painful symptoms of back pain. To make a herbal tea with turmeric, boil half a liter of water, then add a fresh root of turmeric (peeled and cut into pieces. Let boil for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave 10 minutes in infusion. Filter and drink twice daily.
Peppermint and clove essential oils are very suitable for back massage and eliminate pain. The active ingredients in these oils, in fact, due to their balsamic properties, have an anti-inflammatory effect on the nerves and muscles of the back. Mix three drops of peppermint essential oil, three drops of clove essential oil, and two tablespoons of arnica oil. Massaged in a circular motion and I decided to spread good oil.
The devil’s claw is a powerful natural pain reliever, therefore very well suited to combat back pain. It can be applied in a gel, or taken for internal use, in the form of herbal tea, in mother tincture or tablets: the two forms of therapy are complementary.
What are joint pains? Joint pains are painful manifestations and affect one or more joints of the body: shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot.
What are the causes of joint pain?
What are the causes of joint pain? Joint pain is usually caused by diseases that manifest in old age, but also other diseases of different nature and origin. Joint pain may also be the result of trauma or bone fractures.
Diseases that may be associated with joint pain include: arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, hepatitis, gout, influenza, hypothyroidism, meningitis, Crohn’s disease, osteoporosis, psoriasis, premenstrual syndrome, tendonitis, tenosynovitis.
Care sunt simptomele de dureri articulare? Apar dureri articulare cu o durere profundă, continuă, oase și articulații. Aceasta durere este adesea însoțită de tumefacție și inflamație.
Care sunt căile de atac pentru dureri articulare? Durerile articulare pot fi reduse sau contracarate prin care acționează asupra patologie care este cauza. Dacă astfel de dureri apar de artrita sau osteoartrita este posibil să intervină sub controlul strict al medicului – cu analgezice și anti-inflamatorii.
În alte cazuri, durerea poate fi atenuată, în funcție de intensitatea lor și de severitate, cu băi calde, masaje, ședințe de fizioterapie sau aplicatii cu ultrasunete, deoarece trebuie să fie întotdeauna asociate cu restul.
Joint pain, when to contact your doctor? In cases of joint pain, you should consult a doctor in case of: joint pain, which persists for three days or more, when it is associated with fever, swelling or redness of the affected part, acute pain, which makes it difficult for movement, pain from trauma or injury (in this case, it is recommended to go to the nearest emergency room).
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